
  • A RAZA Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of the Punjab, P.O BOX. 54590, Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • M AYUB Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of the Punjab, P.O BOX. 54590, Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • A ABBAS National Nanfan Research Institute (Sanya), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Sanya 572024, China Author


Gene expression pattern, genome-wide analysis, Carrot plant, transcription factor, PBS3 gene family


Plant growth, maturation,  biotic and abiotic stress tolerance or resistance and signalling are all significantly influenced by the PBS3 gene. Commonly referred to as Gretchen Hegan 3 (GH3) A zinc finger protein, which belongs to the C2H2-type and also anticipated to have a role in transcription of PBS3,Salicylic acid (SA) production, which regulates plant ageing. This gene involves in its final two stages. Total Salicylic acid accumulation, SA-dependent gene expression and plant defence are all compromised in Arabidopsis thaliana by PBS3 mutants. Also the most important enzyme in the route leading to SA biosynthesis has also been exhibit to be the PBS3 gene. The gene is linked to disease resistance and also have the ability to respond to particular stimuli or infections in carrots, according to research done on the vegetable. The presence and function of the PBS3 gene family in carrots have not been fully explored, despite the fact that it has been widely examined in many plant species. To understand the phenotypic and genetic traits of the PBS3 gene family in carrots, we carried out a thoroughly genome-wide investigation of the gene family in this work. Using in silico techniques, PBS3 gene family members were identified inside the carrot genome. The PBS3 gene family's reaction to particular stimuli or infections was then examined using gene expression analysis. The study also look round to investigate the evolutionary linkages and possible regulatory mechanisms of the PBS3 gene family in carrots. Our study used a multifaced strategy to investigate the genetic, evolutionary, and regulatory features of the PBS3 gene family in carrots. We did this by exploiting methods like genome mining, gene expression analysis and phylogenetic investigations. The results of this work advance our knowledge of the genetic and phenotypic characteristics of the PBS3 gene family in carrots, which may have ramifications for the creation of better cultivar types and approaches to disease prevention.


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