drought tolerance, wheat yield, food security, phenotyping, morphology, physiologyAbstract
This study was designed to evaluate some wheat varieties against the most prevailing and increasing drought conditions worldwide and recommend suitable drought-resistant varieties to the farmer communities so that the yield can be increased even in stressful conditions to meet the increasing demand for food. For this purpose, seven wheat genotypes were grown in the sandy loam soils at the experimental research area of the College of Agriculture, BZU Bahadur sub-campus Layyah, during the wheat season of 2020-2021. Data were collected for plant height, number of tillers per plant, number of spikelets per spike, spike length of mother tiller, thousand grain weight, number of flag leaf sizes and grain yield per plant. In breeding for drought tolerance, grain yield is the idea for selection; however, it's a complicated, late-degree trait tormented by many elements other than drought. An approach that evaluates genotypes for physiological responses to drought at advanced increase ranges can be extra centered to drought and time efficient. Such a method can be enabled through current advances in excessive-throughput phenotyping platforms. In addition, the fulfilment of the latest genomic and molecular techniques depends on the best of phenotypic facts applied to dissect the genetics of complicated developments, including drought tolerance. Therefore, the primary goal of this assessment is to explain the increase-degree primarily based physio-morphological developments that would be centered through breeders to increase drought-tolerant wheat genotypes. The 2nd goal is to explain current advances in excessive throughput phenotyping of drought tolerance associated physio-morphological developments in the main below discipline conditions. We talk about how those techniques may be included in a complete breeding application to mitigate the influences of weather change. The assessment concludes that there may be a need for excessive throughput phenotyping of physio-morphological developments; this is increased degree-primarily basedto enhance the performance of breeding drought-tolerant wheat.
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